Gaadichalak provides well trained, well mannered personal drivers in Jaipur, Ajmer and Udaipur on a hourly or monthly basis. At Gaadichalak special training is provided to all our drivers who are capable of driving any type of car or heavy vehical whether is a hatchback, sedan or an SUV. And also, they are trained to drive local as well as outstation. Our drivers are well up to date with their proper uniform and are well behaved with the clients. They follow all safety rules and regulations, and are well trained to tackle many hazards, whether it’s a car tyre puncture, or some basic internal problem. They are well equipped with all safety measures.
Easy searching- searching for your suitable idea made easy Quick pick-ups- driver can reach to you in minimum one hour of booking Inclusive rates- price inclusive of all taxes.
Gaadichalak provide you with-
- Well trained and verified drivers.
- 24*7 hours, availability of drivers.
- Gaadichalak security.
- You can track driver location.
- Easy and accurate billing.
- Drivers you will get to within the city, hourly based or outstation.
- Easy Navigation during live trip.